Handling Bug Suspects like a Detective

Bug Suspects On a recent training flight, I was teaching the student about flight at a slow airspeed when our electrical systems began to malfunction. At first the radios lights flickered, and I thought it might be a problem with Read More …

User Error is Developer Error

Is user error even possible? I believe there are two possible attitudes when it comes to user error. Either you believe it is possible for the user to make a mistake or you believe it is not possible for the Read More …

Building a Select or Other input with PHP and jQuery

A select or other input is a great way to represent a list of common options but still give the user a chance to enter some other value entirely. It is a dropdown select field with options that provides a text Read More …

Automation is not always good

Several years ago, I was on a flight that taught me firsthand about the proper role of automation in our technology. We had been flying since early in the morning from Chester County Airport in Pennsylvania to Monterey Airport in Read More …

The Heading Bug

A heading bug is nothing like a software bug. It is a small pointer that rides inside of a plane’s heading indicator. You can move the bug with a knob to set it on a particular heading and it will stay Read More …