What’s the difference between exec(), passthru(), shell_exec(), and system()?

Did you ever wonder what the difference is between exec(), passthru(), shell_exec(), and system()? Why are there so many functions that seem to do the same thing? Let’s start by looking at what php.net has to say about them: exec Execute Read More …

Converting Sample XML to PHP DOMDocument Code

It’s time for you to build an integration and the integration partner uses a large XML document to accept data from you. They have provided a sample of the XML but no pre-built PHP code. Use this XML to PHP DOMDocument code generator Read More …

Clean URLs: An easy working sample

Clean URLs are great! They add a touch of professionalism and elegance to your website and to your code. We are going to build a barebones clean URL sample that you can use in your next project. To begin, let’s take Read More …

Building a Simple Expandable Div

An expandable div is simply a box with hidden content, but it can be revealed by clicking a button. It is great anywhere that you want lots of detailed information to be readily available but not cluttering the page. For Read More …