Verbose If

What is wrong with this if statement? if($condition){ return true; }else{ return false; } It will work, but it is unnecessarily verbose. This way is better: return ($condition); See the difference? We just turned five lines of code into one Read More …


PHP supports many useful looping and branching structures, but sometimes a special case calls for a specialized structure Understanding do{}while(0); The do{}while(0); structure can be understood as a do{} structure. The while is set to false which will prevent it from Read More …

Is That an Upgrade or Just a Change?

Upgrade or Change? What does it take to upgrade the user interface in your application? Before you worry about this you should ask yourself what the difference is between a change and an upgrade. If the change you are making Read More …

Improving Pomodoro

Last week we discussed The Pomodoro Technique and its many benefits. If you don’t know what the Pomodoro Technique is then please read last week’s post. When I wrote last week I had used Pomodoro almost every day for months, but Read More …

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a very simple way to boost your productivity and stay focused. It also has some hidden benefits that we will discuss. How it works Simply set a timer for 25 minutes and focus very hard during this Read More …